II. Author: Tanya Friedman
III. Author's Purpose for Writing: To show the effects of inquiry for equity
IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study? There was not much of any literature citations in this study. She did highlight what she had learned through trainings.
The focus of the inquiry
The locus of the inquiry—who decides the focus and where it happens
The length of time an individual or team stays with a specific topic
VI. Author's Methodology—Whole school planned,
A. Who is being studied? Students who had not met the achievement gap.
B. Over what length of time? Nine years
C. What data is being collected? Teacher reflections and student outcomes
D. How is it being analyzed? Through peer reviews
E. Any other interesting or pertinent data? Not at this time
VII. How the author collected information? Classroom inquiry and Whole-school work.
VIII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications--In five years they were able to see the achievement gap close in writing achievement.
The author found three elements to be especially important in developing and sustaining a culture that supports inquiry for equity.
· Create structures and support for teachers to reflect on how issues of race, class, and culture play out in their own lives, in the school, and in the classroom
· Offer variety of structures and entry points for equity-driven inquiry
· Dedicate time, space, and support for both formal and informal inquiry.
1 comment:
Were there any faults of this study?
After doing this, how does this prepare you for your own lit review?
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