Thursday, July 26, 2007

"The Very Best of Friends"

At first, I think Jesse was the type of person who chose to grieve in solitude. When someone is depressed, it is not good to spend prolonged periods of time alone. Sure it's healthy to need to spend time alone, but excessive amounts of time alone in grief are not good. If it was good for Jesse, why did everthing start piling up, she stopped feeding her pets including William, and her life was in utter disarray. It's when William scratched her that she began to "come to". His scratch was like a wakeup call. She then realized he had been neglected. She began to come to her senses and feed him again. At first he was reluctant to her affections but he soon came around and they both realized how much they needed each other. They still missed James of course but they were now "the very best of friends."

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